6 research outputs found

    A Design Toolbox for the Development of Collaborative Distributed Machine Learning Systems

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    To leverage training data for the sufficient training of ML models from multiple parties in a confidentiality-preserving way, various collaborative distributed machine learning (CDML) system designs have been developed, for example, to perform assisted learning, federated learning, and split learning. CDML system designs show different traits, for example, high agent autonomy, machine learning (ML) model confidentiality, and fault tolerance. Facing a wide variety of CDML system designs with different traits, it is difficult for developers to design CDML systems with traits that match use case requirements in a targeted way. However, inappropriate CDML system designs may result in CDML systems failing their envisioned purposes. We developed a CDML design toolbox that can guide the development of CDML systems. Based on the CDML design toolbox, we present CDML system archetypes with distinct key traits that can support the design of CDML systems to meet use case requirements

    Weiterentwicklung einer Strategie zur Reduzierung bzw. Substitution des Kupfereinsatzes bei der Apfelschorfbekämpfung im ökologischen Obstbau

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    Im BÖLN Verbundprojekt mit dem Arbeitstitel "Weiterentwicklung einer Strategie zur Reduzierung bzw. Substitution des Kupfereinsatzes bei der Apfelschorfbekämpfung im ökologischen Obstbau" wurden unter Berücksichtigung des Ascosporenpotentials, des Entwicklungszustandes der Wirtspflanze und der Potenz der Pflanzenschutzmittel verschiedene kupferfreie oder kupferminimierte Schorfbekämpfungsstrategien auf ihre Praxiseignung geprüft. Kupferpräparate: Wie die Versuche zeigten, besitzen Kupferhydroxidpräparate (Cuprozin progress, Funguran progress) eine höhere Wirksamkeit als Kupferoxychloridpräparate (Funguran). Daher konnte die gleiche Wirkung, bei deutlich geringeren Reinkupfergehalten pro Hektar, alleine durch den Wechsel von Funguran auf die Kupferhydroxidpräparate erzielt werden. In Versuchen in der Sekundärschorfphase, in denen ganz auf den Einsatz von Kupfer bei der Schorfbekämpfung verzichtet wurde, wurde ein deutlich höherer Spätschorfbefall ermittelt. Hierbei zeigte sich, dass besonders in regenreichen Sommermonaten die regenstabilen Kupferpräparate bei der Schorfbekämpfung bislang unerlässlich sind. Schwefelkalk: Das Schwefelkalkprodukt CURATIO wurde über die gesamte Projektlaufzeit in einer Vielzahl an Laborund Freilandversuchen umfassend auf seine Wirkung bei unterschiedlichen Applikationszeitpunkten und mit unterschiedlichen Aufwandmengen geprüft. Es zeigte sich, dass die höchste Kupferreduzierung bei den direkten Maßnahmen durch den Einsatz von CURATIO erreicht wurde. CURATIO ist der zentrale Baustein in der Kupferminimierungsstrategie. Netzschwefelpräparate: Im Projekt wurde in verschiedenen Kombinationen die Wirkung von Netzschwefel als protektives Belagsfungizid getestet. Die Varianten, an denen Netzschwefel beteiligt war, erreichten dabei regelmäßig hohe Wirkungsgrade. Als besonders erfolgreich erwies sich die Kombination aus Netzschwefel und einem Kupferpräparat. Im direkten Vergleich zwischen Kupfer und Netzschwefel, jeweils solo eingesetzt, zeigte sich Kupfer dem Netzschwefel überlegen, die Kombination aus Kupfer und Netzschwefel war aber wiederholt besser als der alleinige Einsatz von Kupfer. Die Wirksamkeit von Netzschwefel, konnte in den meisten Versuchen, durch die Zugabe eines Additivs verbessert werden. Hierzu wurde neben anderen Produkten das Produkt Trifolio S-forte mit einer Aufwandmenge von 1,25 l/ha u. mKh getestet. Kaliumhydrogencarbonat: Kaliumhydrogencarbonate bieten, in Kombination mit Netzschwefel appliziert, eine weitere Option in einer Schorfbekämpfungsstrategie, die zu Kupferreduktion führt. Calciumhydroxid: Aufgrund der Gewächshausergebnisse beim Einsatz von Calciumhydroxid ins Keimungsfenster, mit einem Wirkungsgrad von 94 %, wurde Calciumhydroxid auch in mehreren Versuchen unter Freilandbedingungen geprüft. Hierbei zeigte sich, dass in einigen Versuchen mit einem niedrigen Schorfdruck das Präparat Ulmer Kalkmilch in das Keimungsfenster appliziert gute Wirkungsgrade, auf ähnlichen Niveau wie CURATIO, erzielte. Schorfdurchbrüche bei Re-Sorten: Während der Projektlaufzeit trat in mehreren Anbaugebieten Deutschlands verbreitet Schorfbefall an bislang als schorfresistent eingestuften Apfelsorten auf. Im Rahmen eines Resistenzmanagements wurden erste Versuche zu dieser Thematik durchgeführt

    Conceptual Ambiguity Surrounding Gamification and Serious Games in Health Care: Literature Review and Development of Game-Based Intervention Reporting Guidelines (GAMING)

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    Background: In health care, the use of game-based interventions to increase motivation, engagement, and overall sustainability of health behaviors is steadily becoming more common. The most prevalent types of game-based interventions in health care research are gamification and serious games. Various researchers have discussed substantial conceptual differences between these 2 concepts, supported by empirical studies showing differences in the effects on specific health behaviors. However, researchers also frequently report cases in which terms related to these 2 concepts are used ambiguously or even interchangeably. It remains unclear to what extent existing health care research explicitly distinguishes between gamification and serious games and whether it draws on existing conceptual considerations to do so. Objective: This study aims to address this lack of knowledge by capturing the current state of conceptualizations of gamification and serious games in health care research. Furthermore, we aim to provide tools for researchers to disambiguate the reporting of game-based interventions. Methods: We used a 2-step research approach. First, we conducted a systematic literature review of 206 studies, published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research and its sister journals, containing terms related to gamification, serious games, or both. We analyzed their conceptualizations of gamification and serious games, as well as the distinctions between the two concepts. Second, based on the literature review findings, we developed a set of guidelines for researchers reporting on game-based interventions and evaluated them with a group of 9 experts from the field. Results: Our results show that less than half of the concept mentions are accompanied by an explicit definition. To distinguish between the 2 concepts, we identified four common approaches: implicit distinction, synonymous use of terms, serious games as a type of gamified system, and distinction based on the full game dimension. Our Game-Based Intervention Reporting Guidelines (GAMING) consist of 25 items grouped into four topics: conceptual focus, contribution, mindfulness about related concepts, and individual concept definitions. Conclusions: Conceptualizations of gamification and serious games in health care literature are strongly heterogeneous, leading to conceptual ambiguity. Following the GAMING can support authors in rigorous reporting on study results of game-based interventions

    Analyzing structure-function relationships of artificial and cancer-associated PARP1 variants by reconstituting TALEN-generated HeLa PARP1 knock-out cells

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    Genotoxic stress activates PARP1, resulting in the post-translational modification of proteins with poly(ADP-ribose) (PAR). We genetically deleted PARP1 in one of the most widely used human cell systems, i.e. HeLa cells, via TALEN-mediated gene targeting. After comprehensive characterization of these cells during genotoxic stress, we analyzed structure-function relationships of PARP1 by reconstituting PARP1 KO cells with a series of PARP1 variants. Firstly, we verified that the PARP1\E988K mutant exhibits mono-ADP-ribosylation activity and we demonstrate that the PARP1\L713F mutant is constitutively active in cells. Secondly, both mutants exhibit distinct recruitment kinetics to sites of laser-induced DNA damage, which can potentially be attributed to non-covalent PARP1-PAR interaction via several PAR binding motifs. Thirdly, both mutants had distinct functional consequences in cellular patho-physiology, i.e. PARP1\L713F expression triggered apoptosis, whereas PARP1\E988K reconstitution caused a DNA-damage-induced G2 arrest. Importantly, both effects could be rescued by PARP inhibitor treatment, indicating distinct cellular consequences of constitutive PARylation and mono(ADP-ribosyl)ation. Finally, we demonstrate that the cancer-associated PARP1 SNP variant (V762A) as well as a newly identified inherited PARP1 mutation (F304L\V762A) present in a patient with pediatric colorectal carcinoma exhibit altered biochemical and cellular properties, thereby potentially supporting human carcinogenesis. Together, we establish a novel cellular model for PARylation research, by revealing strong structure-function relationships of natural and artificial PARP1 variants

    The Exoplanet Characterization Observatory (EChO): performance model EclipseSim

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    We present EclipseSim, a radiometric model for exoplanet transit spectroscopy that allows easy exploration of the fundamental performance limits of any space-based facility aiming to perform such observations. It includes a library of stellar model atmosphere spectra and can either approximate exoplanet spectra by simplified models, or use any theoretical or observed spectrum, to simulate observations. All calculations are done in a spectrally resolved fashion and the contributions of the various fundamental noise sources are budgeted separately, allowing easy assessment of the dominant noise sources, as a function of wavelength. We apply EclipseSimto the Exoplanet Characterization Observatory (EChO), a proposed mission dedicated to exoplanet transit spectroscopy that is currently in competition for the M3 launch slot of ESA's cosmic vision programme. We show several case studies on planets with sizes in the super-Earth to Jupiter range, and temperatures ranging from the temperate to the ≈1500K regime, demonstrating the power and versatility of EChO. EclipseSim is publicly available